Peace and security

As a peace and conflict researcher, I have experienced first-hand how quickly hatred and spiteful agitation can turn into violence and destruction. And how difficult it is for people and societies to return to a good coexistence afterwards.

Europe is proof that it is possible nevertheless – and is thus seen as a positive example, a reason for hope by many. As a Union, we therefore have a special responsibility: not to contribute with our policies to turning conflicts into wars elsewhere. We must put forward the strength of the law as an alternative to the law of the jungle. That is why I am fighting for strict arms export controls at EU level, so that lethal weapons do not end up in the hands of dictators and warmongers. I call for sanctions against those who flout international law. And I advocate that we strengthen civil crisis prevention, mediation and humanitarian aid.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has demonstrated that – despite all our efforts for peace – we must also defend ourselves militarily. That is why we must work more closely together when it comes to defending the security of the people in Europe. We finally need to leave behind nationalistic narrow-mindedness in defence policy. Only together do we have a chance of measuring up to the great challenges we are facing. That is why I advocate a genuine European defence policy – from the supply of critical raw materials to joint procurement and coherent export decisions, always in connection with transparent structures and parliamentary control.

Assad is gone - a historic opportunity for Syria. How Germany and the EU can support Syrians in processing the oppression and violence of the Assad regime and in rebuilding of the country:
Crises like cyberattacks, pandemics, and wars have become the new normal. Yet, the EU still lacks a sufficient and unified response. A debate initiated by the "Niinistö Report."
Our digital and economic lifeline is under attack. Here's what needs to happen now:
Screening of The Sharp Edge of Peace at the European Parliament: The film follows four Afghan women—Fatima Gailani, Fawzia Koofi, Habiba Sarabi, and Sharifa Zurmati — in their courageous peace negotiations with the Taliban, showing their relentless fight for peace and justice under challenging circumstances.
The case of Jamshid Sharmahd shows that we need a resolute Iran policy which puts human rights and democracy above economic interests. What this means:
An increasing number of authoritarian regimes are using these methods to persecute dissidents abroad. A particularly striking example is Iran.
We urgently need to work on a Plan B: a regional security architecture that deals with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and prepares for new attacks by the Iranian regime.
Until now, EU member states have been competing with each other on the defence market instead of procuring together. The European Commission has now presented a proposal to tackle the problem.
We urgently need a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza - and the EU must put pressure on all those who oppose this.
2024 is a year of many crises and conflicts around the world. And more than half of the world's population will be voting in 2024. It was against this backdrop that the MSC took place in February. I took part in two panels.
Israel hat das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung und die Befreiung der Geiseln – gleichzeitig haben die Zivilist*innen in Gaza das Recht auf Schutz und humanitäre Hilfe. Wie kann beides erreicht werden?
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