Human Rights


My statement on the new peace plan for Yemen

This week, Saudi Arabia proposed a new peace plan to end nearly six years of war in Yemen. It suggests a UN-supervised ceasefire between Yemen’s Saudi-backed government and the Houthi rebels who are supported by Iran. The plan also includes the reopening of vital air and sea connections and the start of political negotiations.

As Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the Arabian Peninsula, it is clear to me that there can be no military solution to the conflict in Yemen. For that reason, I welcome the commitment of Saudi Arabia and Yemen’s internationally recognised government to end the Yemeni crisis and reach a comprehensive political solution.

The crisis[kann] can only be resolved sustainably through an inclusive Yemeni-led and Yemeni-owned negotiation process involving all quarters of Yemeni society and all parties to the conflict. [...] Any long-term solution to the conflict[muss] needs to address the fundamental causes of instability in the country and fulfil the legitimate demands and aspirations of the Yemeni people.

My statement on the website of the DARP Delegation

"Statement by the Chair on the new peace-plan for war-torn Yemen"

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