Europe on the ground


The container terminal in Swinemünde and Schwesig’s policy on Nord Stream 2 – My interview with “Katapult” magazine

The second largest container port on the North and Baltic Seas after Hamburg is to be built in Swinemünde in Poland – 200 million tonnes of containers are to be unloaded there. The question if there is an actual need for such a big terminal, however, has not even been answered yet. At the same time, there is a high risk of immense negative effects on the environment should the port be built as planned.

As for the state government in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania? For a long time, it has prioritised the relations to Russia (think of Nord Stream 2) instead of investing in the relations with our direct neighbour Poland.

In an interview with the magazine “Katapult” magazine Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania I talk about civil society cross-border cooperation regarding the project and the attempts at intimidation Polish opponents are facing; the options the EU has at its disposal to create transparency; and the mandatory cross-border environmental impact assessment in which Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will now participate thanks to our pressure. The interview also touches upon the shortfalls of the politics of Manuela Schwesig (the Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) which have led to a loss of trust on the Polish side – and about what the consequences are now.

If you know German, you can have a look at the interview here:

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