European Parliament

MdEP Hannah Neumann steht vor Krahs Schreibtischstuhl
Bei der Rotation der Büros im Europäischen Parlament wurde mir das Alte von Maximilian Krah zugewiesen. Und da musste erstmal ordentlich aufgeräumt werden.
Nach dem Europawahlkampf bin ich nun zurück im Parlament. Danke allen, die beim Wahlkampf mitgeholfen haben!
We urgently need to work on a Plan B: a regional security architecture that deals with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and prepares for new attacks by the Iranian regime.
Dissidents and journalists who fled their own country are often not safe: Authoritarian regimes and dictatorships continue to target them even outside national borders. The EU must finally address this issue!
Until now, EU member states have been competing with each other on the defence market instead of procuring together. The European Commission has now presented a proposal to tackle the problem.
Israel hat das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung und die Befreiung der Geiseln – gleichzeitig haben die Zivilist*innen in Gaza das Recht auf Schutz und humanitäre Hilfe. Wie kann beides erreicht werden?
In December, together with the Delegation to the Arabian Peninsula, I travelled to Yemen - a country suffering from a terrible war that receives almost no international attention. This was the European Parliament's first official visit to Yemen since 2009.
EU Member States are simply not willing to move towards a European Defense Industry and market. A European Defense Industrial Strategy must change this:
More and more important decisions are being taken at EU level. As a result, attempts by third countries to exert influence legally – but also illegally – are increasing. I called for these countermeasures in my plenary speech:
The European Parliament has awarded the Sakharov Prize 2023 to Jina Mahsa Amini (posthumously) and the Woman Life Freedom movement. Now it is time to follow up words with actions.
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