European Parliament

Last week, the European Parliament debated “Uniting Europe against actors hostile to the EU: Time to strengthen our security and defence.” In my speech, I highlighted a troubling reality: Europe’s fragmented approach to security is undermining its ability to protect its citizens and support allies like Ukraine.
Assad is gone - a historic opportunity for Syria. How Germany and the EU can support Syrians in processing the oppression and violence of the Assad regime and in rebuilding of the country:
Crises like cyberattacks, pandemics, and wars have become the new normal. Yet, the EU still lacks a sufficient and unified response. A debate initiated by the "Niinistö Report."
Our digital and economic lifeline is under attack. Here's what needs to happen now:
The case of Ahoo Daryaie shows how the Iranian regime defames women as mentally ill simply because they bravely stand up for their freedom. This is the European Parliament's position in this regard:
An increasing number of authoritarian regimes are using these methods to persecute dissidents abroad. A particularly striking example is Iran.
The European Parliament adopted a resolution on Iraq, notably the situation of women’s rights and the recent proposal to amend the Personal Status Law.
Bei der Rotation der Büros im Europäischen Parlament wurde mir das Alte von Maximilian Krah zugewiesen. Und da musste erstmal ordentlich aufgeräumt werden.
Nach dem Europawahlkampf bin ich nun zurück im Parlament. Danke allen, die beim Wahlkampf mitgeholfen haben!
We urgently need to work on a Plan B: a regional security architecture that deals with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and prepares for new attacks by the Iranian regime.
Dissidents and journalists who fled their own country are often not safe: Authoritarian regimes and dictatorships continue to target them even outside national borders. The EU must finally address this issue!
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