
Für uns Grüne ist klar: Bei Großprojekten wie diesen müssen wirtschaftliche und ökologische Interessen sehr sorgfältig und umfassend abgewogen werden. Worum es beim Austausch noch ging:
The case of Jamshid Sharmahd shows that we need a resolute Iran policy which puts human rights and democracy above economic interests. What this means:
An increasing number of authoritarian regimes are using these methods to persecute dissidents abroad. A particularly striking example is Iran.
Dissidents and journalists who fled their own country are often not safe: Authoritarian regimes and dictatorships continue to target them even outside national borders. The EU must finally address this issue!
Until now, EU member states have been competing with each other on the defence market instead of procuring together. The European Commission has now presented a proposal to tackle the problem.
EU Member States are simply not willing to move towards a European Defense Industry and market. A European Defense Industrial Strategy must change this:
More and more important decisions are being taken at EU level. As a result, attempts by third countries to exert influence legally – but also illegally – are increasing. I called for these countermeasures in my plenary speech:
Rechtspopulistische Bewegungen und Parteien sind in Deutschland und ganz Europa auf dem Vormarsch. Deswegen war mein Europabrunch zum Thema Fake News und Desinformation umso aktueller. Worüber wir gesprochen haben:
EU Visa are a powerful tool to support Human Rights Defenders at risk who are based outside the European Union. But it is still too difficult for HRDs to obtain them. I initiated a conference in Spain on the issue
Für die Reise vom 4.-8. November könnt ihr euch noch bis zum 18. September anmelden!
50 international civil society organisations have called on the EU to create a better framework to make it easier for human rights defenders to obtain EU visas.
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