
My statement on the abolishment of the “kafala system” in Qatar

After years of oppression of migrant workers, Qatar has finally lifted the so-called “kafala system”. As of 2020, migrant workers will no longer need their employer’s permission to leave the country. This step, together with previous changes in law, abolished a system which had basically been holding foreign workers prisoners. The government has also introduced a non-discriminatory minimum wage for migrant workers. In a statement, fellow MEP Maria Arena and I welcomed this decision, which is fundamental for the future of the Qatari labor market.

We welcome the historic decision to abolish the kafala system for foreign workers in Qatar as it represents a major achievement for the workers' rights and the Qatari society as a whole.

Our statement in the EP press room

"MEPs welcome the abolishment of the 'kafala system' in Qatar"

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