November 2022

For eight months now, we have been dealing with the issue of spyware in the Pegasus Committee of Inquiry. The use of spyware in the EU has gotten out of control. What needs to happen now:
Dreadful news from Iran, an important decision by the UN Human Rights Council and what still needs to happen – my plenary speech:
The massive fish and mussel die-off in the Oder river last summer has shown the limits of this ecosystem. The works on the Oder make no sense and would have dramatic consequences – people from the region explain this in detail in my new video:
When I think of soccer, the first thing that comes to mind are the "Scoring Girls" who play soccer in a refugee camp in Iraq. For me, they embody the true power of soccer – unlike the World Cup in Qatar:
Diese und viele andere Themen haben mich in den vergangenen Wochen beschäftigt - lest mehr in meinem Monthly!
227 members of the Iranian parliament have demanded harsh penalties against protesters. In the European Parliament, we debated the consequences the EU should draw. My plenary speech:
In Rostock habe ich Claudia Müller im Wahlkampf unterstützt und mich mit ehemaligen afghanischen Ortskräften getroffen.
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