September 2021

Das Gelände der ehemaligen Stasi-Zentrale in Berlin wird erhalten und neu gestaltet. Es soll Platz für Kunst und Kultur bieten, Geschichtsvermittlung ansprechend umsetzen und zudem mit Gastronomie und Übernachtungsangeboten aufwarten. Mehr dazu findet ihr hier:
Human rights activists in the United Arab Emirates who dare to speak up often end up behind bars. One of them is Ahmad Mansoor. More in my plenary speech:
Spy softwares like Pegasus makes human rights work impossible, endangers journalists and also politicians. What needs to be done now:
The EU betrays the foundations on which its foreign policy stands: the trust of the local partners and the commitment to human rights. You can read more about my plenary speech in this article.
Nowhere in European policy wishes and reality are so far apart as in foreign and security policy. This has been proven most recently in Afghanistan – my demands:
The mayor of Świnoujście has made absurd accusations against me and other politicians who oppose the construction of the mega harbour. Here is my comment:
Since the Taliban took over, the situation for women and girls in Afghanistan has been steadily deteriorating. Europe must finally take responsibility. More on this in my speech in the Human Rights Committee:
Diesen Monat habe ich mich besonders für die Rettung von Afghan*innen stark gemacht. Und: Ich habe mir in Ahlbeck ein Bild der Lage des Containerhafenbaus in Swinemünde gemacht. Das und vieles mehr findet ihr in meinem "Monthly"!
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