December 2020

Am Ende dieses turbulenten Jahres stand bei mir und meinem Team noch einiges an. Mein Highlight: Ende November war es mir trotz Corona-Regelungen möglich, in den Irak und nach Syrien zu reisen - mehr lest ihr in meinem Newsletter!
In December's plenary I spoke about the arms exports of President Macron to the Egyptian dictator al-Sisi. Click here to learn more
In December's last plenary I held a speech on gender parity in the EU. You can watch it here
Lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh fights for human rights in Iran and is thrown into prison for it time and time again. I talked about the unbreakable woman in this plenary speech.
The Al-Hol refugee camp in northern Syria is a ticking time bomb. I had to find this out during my visit in November. Several European newspapers reported on my impressions, read more here
In view of the continuing tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, my Greek colleague Maria Spyraki and I have decided to call on the German government to suspend the export of German submarines immediately.
The EU has just adopted its Human Rights Sanctions Mechanism. This is a big Green success. Read more about it here
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